Friday, February 19, 2016

What I've learned this week

This week was very productive, in all of my classes I've learned diferent and very usefull things, and is important because is general culture, you need to keep up learning something new everyday.

In my english class I learned about, the meaning of tourism, the origin of the word is tornare its an italian word that means: return, be back. when we're tourist we return to our origin place. 

also we learned, about hospitality and what is required to be hospitable, you have to be a people person, be kind and patient with your guest.

we talk about prefixes and suffixes...

Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. for example: happy-un- unhappy.

Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example: work-er-worker

*check in 

This week was very fun, I learned several things about my career, vocabulary, different topics, I'm ready to be out this weekend. Hopefully next week as going to be amaizing as this.